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Pētījuma virziens sociālo zinātņu ietvaros aptver tādas tēmas, kā: ekonomikas teorijas likumsakarības, uzņēmuma darbības principi un ekonomiskās darbības rādītāji, ekonomiskie procesi uzņēmumā un tautsaimniecībā, starptautiskā un vietējā ekonomiskā vide, digitālā ekonomika, ilgtspējīga attīstība, preču un pakalpojumu tirgus attīstības tendences, konkurence,  uzņēmējdarbības efektivitāte un korporatīvā vide, ražošanas procesu shēmas, biznesa plāni, uzņēmējdarbības likumdošanas pamati; ārējās un iekšējās vides faktori, uzņēmējdarbības attīstība makro un mikro līmenī; uzņēmuma attīstības stratēģija, taktiskie un stratēģiskie mērķi; uzņēmuma saimnieciskās darbības rādītāji, multikulturālas komandas vadīšana, komunikācija, darba koordinācija, darbinieku motivācija, mārketings, tirgus izpēte, mārketinga plānošana, organizācijas tirdzniecības darbība, pakalpojumu organizācija, personāla vadība, finanses, informācijas vadības sistēmas, loģistika, komerciālie un finanšu riski, uzņēmuma darba atbilstība starptautisko tiesību aktu un Latvijas Republikas tiesību aktu prasībām.

Galvenā uzmanība tiek pievērsta pētījumiem, kas saistīti ar SDG8 “Pienācīgs darbs un ekonomikas izaugsme” un SDG 9 “Rūpniecība, inovācijas un infrastruktūra”.



Pētījumu koordinatore:

Dr. oec. Jevgenija Dehtjare, EKA Zinātniskās institūcijas attīstības vadītāja, docente, pētniece.

Jevgenija Dehtjare

Sertificēts karjeras izaugsmes veicēja, Latvijas Ekonomistu asociācijas biedrs, EUMMAS (Eiropas Mārketinga un menedžmenta asociācijas) un NetworkIQ kopienas biedrs. Absolvējusi Rīgas Tehnisko universitāti un strādājusi ISMA augstskolā (Latvija) par Biznesa administrācijas tūrisma programmu direktori, akadēmisko sakaru prorektoru un pētnieci. Vairāk nekā 55 zinātnisku darbu autore ekonomikas, uzņēmējdarbības, vadības, tūrisma, viesmīlības un izglītības jomā. Viņa ir “Dnipro Scientific Journal of Public Administration, Psychology, Law” redkolēģijas locekle un EKA etECH konferences organizācijas komitejas locekle.



LinkedIn profile

Pētnieku komanda

Dr. oec. Jelena Titko, pētniece, profesore, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. oec. Oksana Lentjusenkova, pētniece, rektore, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. oec. Vita Zariņa, pētniece, profesore, EKA augstskola  (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. Kristine Uzule, pētniece, EKA augstskola (Latvia). ORCID:

PhD Kaspars Šteinbergs, pētnieks, docents, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. oec. Inga Šīna, pētniece, profesore, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. (DBA) Anna Svirina, lektore, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. paed. Larisa Turuševa, pētniece, docente, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:,

MBA, Jeļena Budanceva, pētnieka asistente, docente,  EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Mg. Nataļja Verina, pētnieka asistents, docents, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Mg. Edgars Cerkovskis, pētnieka asistents, EKA augstskola (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. Phil. Velga Vēvere, vadošā pētniece, profesore Latvijas Universitāte (Latvija), ORCID:

Dr. oec. Tatjana Tambovceva, pētniece, profesore, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Latvija), ORCID:  

PhD. cand. Julija Mironova, studiju programmas "Uzņēmējdarbības vadība tūrismā" direktore, ISMA augstskola (Latvia). ORCID:

Ph.D. Viktorija Skvarciany, profesore, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lietuva), ORCID:




Pētnieciskie raksti:

  • Vevere, V., Shina, I. (2023). The factors of green marketing affecting consumer purchase intention in Latvia, ENVIRONMENT. TECHNOLOGY. RESOURCES. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference, June 15th – 16th, vol. 1, Rezekne, 240-245.
  • Uzule, K. & Verina, N. (2023). Digital Barriers in Digital Transition and Digital Transformation: Literature Review. Economics and Culture, 20(1) 125-143. ERIH+
  • Titko, J., Bistrova, J., Budanceva, J., Uzule, K., Verina, N. (2023). Knowledge, attitude and behavior towards investments: pilot study on Latvian sample. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 11-12, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania, 229-236. 
  • Titko, J., Tambovceva, T., Atstaja, Dz., Lapinskaite, I., Solesvik, M., Svirina, A., Uzule, K. (2023). Attitude towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship among Students: Pilot Study in Latvia and Lithuania. TalTech Journal of European Studies, 13(1)/(37), 107-132.  SCOPUS (Q2 - Sociology and Political Science)
  • Linina, I., Vevere, V., Zvirgzdina, R. (2022). Evaluation of the use of influencers for the development of consumer satisfaction in the Baltic consumer goods market. 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA2022). Valencia: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, 129-137. DOI:
  • Putthiwanit, C., Vevere, V. (2022). Understanding post-pandemic panic selling during Ukraine Russian conflict based on Thai companies listed in set100. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ”Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2022”, October 12-13, 2022, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic, 1256-1262.
  • Uzule, K., & Kuzmina-Merlino, I. (2022). The connection between an airport type and revenue structure at Baltic States airports. Aviation, 26(4), 183-194. WOS:000891292800001 Q3
  • Zariņa, V., Svirina, A., Shina, I. & Uzule, K. (2022).The Relationship Between the Industry-Level Economic Development and Human Development in Latvia. Economics and Culture, 19(2) 70-80. ERIH+
  • Titko, J., Uzule, K., Zarina, V., Shina, I., Verina, N., Cerkovskis, E., Budanceva, J., Pildavs, J. (2022). Teaching financial literacy in a global economic era: the outcomes of learning experiment in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference”Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2022”, October 12-13, 2022, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic, 1539-1549.
  • Cerkovskis, E., Gajdosikova, D., & Ciurlau, C. F. (2022). Capital structure theories: Review of literature. Ekonomicko-Manazerske Spektrum, 16(1), 12-24.
  • Titko, J., Uzule, K., Tambovceva, T., Koshkin, I., Verina, N., Radionovs, J., Liepins, A., (2023). Entrepreneurship competences for ICT students: Latvian and Kazakh samples. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 11-12, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania, 402-409.
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltina, A. (2022). Assessing the Effects and Policy Interventions Amidst COVID-19 Crisis: Focus on Georgian SMES. In Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives (pp. 169-189). Springer, Cham. SCOPUS
  • Svirina, A., Appalonova, N., Garanin, D., Lukashevich, N., & Koshkin, I. (2021). Fintech developmental trends: the role and influence of sustainable digital logistics. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 258, p. 02019). EDP Sciences. SCOPUS
  • Tambovceva, T., Titko, J. Svirina, A., Atstaja, Dz., Tereshina, M. (2021). Evaluation of the Consumer Perception of Sharing Economy: Cases of Latvia, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Sustainability, 13, 13911. SCOPUS WOS:000742134000001 Q2
  • Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., & Vevere, V. (2021, June). Client Relationship Management in Latvian Retail Enterprises Under COVID-19 Circumstances. In ENVIRONMENT. TECHNOLOGIES. RESOURCES. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Vol. 1, pp. 155-161). SCOPUS
  • Ābeltiņa, A., & Rizhamadze, K. (2021). Challenges to Managing Virtual Teams in Georgian SMEs. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 119). EDP Sciences. 
  • Ābeltiņa, A., & Rizhamadze, K. (2021). The complexity of relationships within business and the importance of common ground. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 90, p. 01001). EDP Sciences.
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltiņa, A. (2021). The Role of Quality Improvement in the Innovation practices in SMEs in Latvia. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 115, p. 02007). EDP Sciences.
  • Titko, J., Tambovceva, T., Atstaja, Dz., Lapinskaite, I., Solesvik, M. (2022). Attitude Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship among Students: Testing a Measurement Scale. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, May 12-13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania,  1-7.
  • Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., & Vevere, V. (2022, May). Ensuring consumer satisfaction with chatbots in the Baltic states. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, May 12-13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 511-516.  DOI:
  • Linina, I., Arbidans, D., & Vevere, V. (2021). Identification of business management improvement factors for start-up companies in Latvia in the conditions of globalization. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 129, p. 08011).
  • Tambovceva, T., Titko, J. Svirina, A., Tereshina, M. (2021). Deterrents to participation in Sharing Economy activities: Cross-Country Survey. SHS Web of Conferences Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2021, 129, 05014 (2021).
  • Simenenko, O. and Lentjushenkova, O. (2021). Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Working. In: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Digital Transformation for Business Model Innovation: Proceedings of Selected Papers, Czech Republic, Brno, September 16-17, 2021. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2021, pp. 125–142. ISBN 978-80-214-6005-8.
  • Mons, A., Vēvere, V. (2021). Using behavioural economics to improve workplace collaboration based on predetermined workers’ and business values, Acta Prosperitatis, 12, 67-75.
  • Zafran, M., Vevere, V. (2021). The influence of retail services and selling behaviors on customer’s satisfaction, trust and loyalty intentions in retail industry of Pakistan, Acta Prosperitatis, 12, 203-221.
  • Vevere, V., Mons, A. (2021). Decision making for small and medium size enterprises with a focus on successful workplace collaboration, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 2 (8), 487-495.
  • Cerkovskis, E., Gajdosikova, D., & Ciurlau, C. F. (2022). CAPITAL STRUCTURE THEORIES: REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Ekonomicko-Manazerske Spektrum, 16(1), 12-24.
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltina, A. (2022). Assessing the Effects and Policy Interventions Amidst COVID-19 Crisis: Focus on Georgian SMES. In Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives (pp. 169-189). Springer, Cham. SCOPUS
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltina, A. (2021). The Factors that Promote Business Growth Opportunities for SMEs in Latvia in Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector. In Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives (pp. 115-126). Springer, Cham. SCOPUS
  • Cerkovskis, E., Gajdosikova, D., & Ciurlau, C. F. (2022). CAPITAL STRUCTURE THEORIES: REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Ekonomicko-Manazerske Spektrum, 16(1), 12-24.
  • Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., & Vevere, V. (2022, May). Ensuring consumer satisfaction with chatbots in the Baltic states. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, May 12-13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 511-516. DOI:
  • Ābeltiņa, A., & Rizhamadze, K. (2021). Challenges to Managing Virtual Teams in Georgian SMEs. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 119). EDP Sciences.
  • Ābeltiņa, A., & Rizhamadze, K. (2021). The complexity of relationships within business and the importance of common ground. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 90, p. 01001). EDP Sciences.
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltiņa, A. (2021). The Role of Quality Improvement in the Innovation practices in SMEs in Latvia. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 115, p. 02007). EDP Sciences.
  • Zafran, M., Vevere, V. (2021). The influence of retail services and selling behaviors on customer’s satisfaction, trust and loyalty intentions in retail industry of Pakistan, Acta Prosperitatis, 12, 203-221.
  • Vevere, V., Mons, A. (2021). Decision making for small and medium size enterprises with a focus on successful workplace collaboration, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 2 (8), 487-495.
  • Simenenko, O. and Lentjushenkova, O. (2021). Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Working. In: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Digital Transformation for Business Model Innovation: Proceedings of Selected Papers, Czech Republic, Brno, September 16-17, 2021. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2021, pp. 125–142. ISBN 978-80-214-6005-8.
  • Tambovceva, T., Titko, J. Svirina, A., Tereshina, M. (2021). Deterrents to participation in Sharing Economy activities: Cross-Country Survey. SHS Web of Conferences Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2021, 129, 05014 (2021).
  • Linina, I., Arbidans, D., & Vevere, V. (2021). Identification of business management improvement factors for start-up companies in Latvia in the conditions of globalization. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 129, p. 08011).
  • Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., & Vevere, V. (2021, June). Client Relationship Management in Latvian Retail Enterprises Under COVID-19 Circumstances. In ENVIRONMENT. TECHNOLOGIES. RESOURCES. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Vol. 1, pp. 155-161). SCOPUS
  • Tambovceva, T., Titko, J. Svirina, A., Atstaja, Dz., Tereshina, M. (2021). Evaluation of the Consumer Perception of Sharing Economy: Cases of Latvia, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Sustainability, 13, 13911. SCOPUS WOS:000742134000001 Q2
  • Svirina, A., Appalonova, N., Garanin, D., Lukashevich, N., & Koshkin, I. (2021). Fintech developmental trends: the role and influence of sustainable digital logistics. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 258, p. 02019). EDP Sciences. SCOPUS
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltiņa, A. (2021). The Complexity of Relationships within Business and the Importance of Common Ground. SHS Web of Conferences 90, 01001 (2021)
  • Svirina, A., Appalonova, N., Garanin, D., Lukashevich, N., Koshkin, I. (2021). Fintech developmental trends: The role and influence of sustainable digital logistics. E3S Web of Conferences, 258, 02019. SCOPUS
  • Mons, A., Vevere, V. (2021). Using behavioural economics to improve workplace collaboration based on predetermined workers’ and business values. Acta Prosperitatis, 12, 67-75 DOI: 10.37804/1691-6077-2021-12-67-75
  • Zafran, M., Vevere, V. (2021). The influence of retail services and selling behaviors on customer’s satisfaction, trust and loyalty intentions in retail industry of Pakistan. Acta Prosperitatis, 12, 204-223. DOI: 10.37804/1691-6077-2021-12-203-222
  • Linina, I., Vevere, V. (2020). Enhancement of Retail Consumer Loyalty in Latvia by Means of Social Media Communication. European Integration Studies, 14, 80-89. Doi: WOS:000593413900006
  • Cerkovskis, E. (2020). Globalization impact on the social and economic development of countries. Proceedings of the international online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges”, 52-55.
  • Gribanova, S., Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltiņa, A. (2020). The Role of Motivation Among IT professionals To Foster Innovation: SMEs Focus. European Journal of Business and Management Research5(5).
  • Gribanova, S., & Abeltina, A. (2020). Motivation to work and management of it professionals: case of Latvia. Acta Prosperitatis, (11), 57-186.
  • Gribanova, S., & Abeltina, A. (2020). Management of creative class. The case of IT professionals in Latvia. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 74, p. 02006). EDP Sciences. WOS:000528040800043
  • Grizane, T., Sannikova, A., Jankova, L., & Jurgelane, I. (2020). Economic potential of recreational fishing for sustainable development of coastal area. In Economic Science for Rural Development Conference Proceedings (No. 54), 123-130. DOI: 10.22616/ESRD.2020.54.015
  • Jermolajeva, J., Silchenkova, S., & Turusheva, L. (2020). Professional Motives as a Leading Factor of last Year University Students’ Learning Motivation. Rural Environment Education Personality, Issue13, 70-75. WOS:000578512100008
  • Krumina,D., Lejniece,I. & Skvarciany,V. (2020). Determinants of Bank Profitability: Case of Latvia. Economics and Culture,17(2) 30-37.
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltina, A. (2021). The Factors that Promote Business Growth Opportunities for SMEs in Latvia in Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector. In Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives (pp. 115-126). Springer, Cham. SCOPUS
  • Rizhamadze, K., & Ābeltiņa, A. (2020). The factors that promote business growth opportunities for small and medium scale enterprises (smes) in Latvia in the sector of wholesale and retail trade. 33rd EBES Conference – Madrid, October 7-9, 2020.
  • Tambovceva, T., Titko, J. (2020). Consumer perception of sharing economy: pilot survey in Latvia. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE), 13(1), 72-84. SCOPUS
  • Titko, J., Svirina, A., Skvarciany, V. Shina, I. (2020). Values of young employees: Z-Generation perception.   Business: Theory and Practice, 22(1), 10-17. DOI: SCOPUS
  • Linina, I., Vevere, V. (2021). Retailers’ Socially Responsible Communication in the Situation of Global Pandemic. The 20th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020. SHS Web of Conf. Volume 92 (pieejams:


Saistītie projekti:

Maģistra darbi:

  • 2024. Blesson Baby. Assessment of the Impacts of Experience Marketing on the Brand Image of Textile Companies in Latvia.
  • 2024. Vimalanand Bijoy. Development of digital marketing strategy for enhancing competitiveness of IT companies in Latvia.
  • 2024. Arta Herberga. Development of a model for evaluating the performance of Latvian credit institutions.
  • 2024. Hirenkumar Himmatbhai Kyada. Factors Affecting B2B Customer Satisfaction in Indian Furniture Industry.
  • 2024. Sruthi Lekshmi. Development of brand portfolio strategy for the textile industry in India.
  • 2024. Aswathy Levan. An Assessment of relationship marketing as a tool to improve the competitivness of Latvian wood selling companies.
  • 2024. Gaurav Prakash. Factors Influencing Employee Engagement at Beverage Production Companies in India.
  • 2024. Prashant Dev Tiwari. Impact of Change Management on the Growth of SME′s in indian Dairy Industry.
  • 2023. Oleksandr Alieksieiev. Remote work: factors, trends, impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • 2023. Elīna Avenīte. Factors affecting customer satisfaction in Latvian banking industry.
  • 2023. Sonia Biji. Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction on Service Quality in Indian Banking Industry.
  • 2023. Līva Cimmermane. The impact of remote work organizational culture on work productivity in Latvia.
  • 2023. Zanda Gobniece. Automation of Human Resource Management processes in Latvian companies.
  • 2023. Emin Huseynzade. Factors Affecting the Service Quality in the Logistic Industry in Azerbaijan.
  • 2023. Joyal James. The Role of Relationship Marketing in Telecom Industry in Latvia.
  • 2023. Kristiāns Punculs. Opportunities for improving competitiveness in the real sector in Latvia.
  • 2023. Seif Youssef Omar Ahmed. Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction with the Travel Agencies in Europe and North Afrika.
  • 2023. Artūrs Stavro. Factors affecting sustainability of Latvian retail companies.


  • Titko, J., Uzule, K., Tambovceva, T., Verina, N., Radionovs, J., Liepins, A. International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 12-13, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania. Presentation: Entrepreneurship competences for ICT students: Latvian and Kazakh samples.
  • Uzule, K. (2023). 13th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2023", Vilnius Tech University, Lithuania, May 11-12, 2023. Presentation: Financial data for verification of human and intellectual outputs in integrated reporting: the case of northern European airports.
  • Vevere, V., Turiba XXIV International Scientific conference, April, 19, 2023. Presentation: Innovation management model for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs): Georgia.
  • Vevere, V. Turiba XXIV International Scientific conference, April, 19, 2023. Presentation: Factors affecting supply chain agility among employees of knowledge-based companies.
  • Titko, J., Uzule, K., Zarina, V., Shina, I., Verina, N., Cerkovskis, E., Budanceva, J., Pildavs, J. International Scientific Conference ”Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2022”, October 12-13, 2022, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic. Presentation:  Teaching financial literacy in a global economic era: the outcomes of learning experiment in Latvia.
  • Titko, J., Budanceva, J., Uzule, K., Verina, N. International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 12-13, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania. Presentation: Knowledge, attitude and behavior towards investments: pilot study on Latvian sample.
  • Vevere, V., Shina, I. ENVIRONMENT. TECHNOLOGY. RESOURCES. 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Rēzekne, June 15th – 16th, 2023. Presentation: The factors of green marketing affecting consumer purchase intention in Latvia.
  • Šteinbergs, K. (2023) Triple Helix XXI Conference "Entreprenurial and engaged universities for sustainable development. Linking education, research and innovation to achieve the SDGs & ESGs" Presentation: University-industry cooperation: a case study of student innovation projects in Latvia
  • Titko, J. Conference “The Development of Doctoral Education and Research Capacity of Kyrgyzstani Academia”, November 3-4, 2022 (online). Presentation: Doctoral studies in the field of Economics and Business in Latvia: content and expected results
  • Vevere, V. International Scientific Conference”Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2022”, October 12-13, 2022, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic. Presentation: Understanding post-pandemic panic selling during Ukraine Russian conflict based on Thai companies listed in set100.
  • Titko, J. International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, May 12-13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania. Attitude Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship among Students: Testing a Measurement Scale
  • Anna Svirina. Sustainable Development of smart territories within digital transformation. International Scientific Conference "Digital transformation of Manufacturing, Infrastructure, and Service" April 28-29, 2022 (keynote)
  • Linina, I., Arbidans, Dz., Vevere, V. International conference “Globalizacia 2021”, October 12-13, 2021. Identification of business management improvement factors for start-up companies in Latvia in the condition of globalization
  • Linina, I., Zvirgzdina, R., Vevere, V. International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, May 12-13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania. Ensuring consumer satisfaction with chatbots in the Baltic states
  • Vevere, V., Mahmoodi, M. XVIII Internation May conference on strategic management – IMCSM22, May 28, 2022, Bor, Serbia. The relationship between supply chain agility and job satisfaction among employees of knowledge-based companies
  • Zarina, V., Vevere, V. 23rd Annual international scientific conference “Economic Science for Rural development”  May 12, 2022, Jelgava, Latvia. Competitiveness of organic producers in Latvia
  • Oksana Lentjushenkova. 18th International Scientific Conference “Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Digital Transformation for Business Model Innovation: Economic, Management, Finance and System Engineering from the Academic and Practitioners Views” (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, online).
  • Skvarciany, V. 2021. Measuring Relationship between Digital Economy and Sustainable Development. International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering”, 2021 May 13-14 Vilnius (Lithuania).
  • Čerkovskis, E. Keynote speaker. College of Business Management. International scientific-practical conference “Integral approach to business sustainability”, April 27, 2021
  • Skvarciany, V. & Vidžiūnaitė, S. 2021. Approach to Prioritisation of Decent Work and Economic Growth in BRICS Countries. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities“, 2021 April 22-23, Riga (Latvia).
  • Vēvere, V. XXII International Scientific Conference of Turiba University “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND GREEN THINKING” (Riga, Latvia), April 22, 2021, pap. “Using Behavioural Economics to Improve Workplace Collaboration Based on Predetermined Workers’ and Business Values”
  • Vēvere, V. XXII International Scientific Conference of Turiba University “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND GREEN THINKING” (Riga, Latvia), April 22, 2021, pap. “The influence of retail services and selling behaviors on customer’s satisfaction, trust and loyalty intentions in retail industry of Pakistan”
  • Vēvere, V. 13th International Scientific Practical Conference “Environment. Technology. Resources” (Rēzekne, Latvia), June 17 – 18, 2021, pap. “CLIENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN LATVIAN RETAIL ENTERPRISES UNDER COVID-19 CIRCUMSTANCES”
  • Zarina, V. 35th EBES conference in Italy (online) 7-9 April,s 2021, presentation: “The Effectiveness of the Process of Introducing Automation on the Non-Banking Sector in Latvia”
  • Zarina, V. 37th IBIMA International Conference 1.-2.aprīlis 2021, The Development of the Onboarding Process of new Emploees in Manufacturing Companies of Latvia
  • Verina, N., Titko, J. & Skvarciany, V. Measurement of Digital Economy: Chack for Data Consistency on the Example of Latvia and Lithuania. International Scientific Conference „Innovation, Social and Economic Challenges“, 2020 Decempber 1-3, Sumy (Ukraine)
  • Svirina, A. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. X-culture panel. June 30th, 2021
  • Svirina, A. SOItMc Annual meeting. The Chair of Rethinking Business in the times of COVID-2019 session. July 13th, 2021
  • Lentjušenkova, O.  15.10.2020. 18th BMDA annual conference “Multidisciplinary Approach in Business and Education to Assure High Competitiveness (Finding Fast and Right Solutions Now and Tomorrow” (online)
  • Titko, J. International Scientific Online Conference "Innovation, Social and Economic Challenges", ISEC′2020, December 1-3, 2020, Sumy State University (online). Measurement of digital economy: check for data consistency on the example of Latvia and Lithuania.
  • Vēvere, V. 6 the International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL 20. Sakarya University Congress and Culture Center-Turkey, JULY 16-18, 2020. Pap. “Corruption in Business Interactions in Retail Enterprises in Latvia”
  • Vēvere, V. Globalization and its SocioEconomic Consequences 2020 (Rajecke Teplice, Slovakia), 21–22 OCTOBER 2020, pap. “Retailers’ socially responsible communication in the situation of global pandemic”
  • Vēvere, V. International scientific online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges”, ISEC’2020, Dec. 1-3, 2020, Sumi State University (Ukraine). Pap. “Impact of Covid-19 on retailers online communication process” (with I. Linina)
  • Report on the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Rezekne, 2021. Critical Thinking as Grounds of Socially Responsible Communication.
  • Report on the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Rezekne, 2021. Client Relationship Management in Latvian Retail Enterprises Under COVID-19 Circumstances.
  • Report on the international online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges”, Globalization impact on the social and economic development of countries. (2020)
  • Report on the international 33rd EBES Conference, Madrid, October 7-9, 2020, The factors that promote business growth opportunities for small and medium scale enterprises (smes) in Latvia in the sector of wholesale and retail trade.
  • Report on the international Scientific Conference “Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities”, Riga, April 21-23, 2021. Digital reality in companies as a part of corporate social responsibility during pandemic: case of Latvia.
  • Report on the international 20th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020. Retailers’ Socially Responsible Communication in the Situation of Global Pandemic.
  • Report on the 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFELONG EDUCATION AND LEADERSHIP FOR ALL. ICLEL 2020 / July 16-18, 2020/ Sakarya University – TURKEY. Corruption in Business Interactions in Retail Enterprises in Latvia and Sustainability Education.
  • Report on the international online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges” (2020). Artificial intelligence as a legal support of economic activity.
  • Report on the international online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges” (2020). Measurement of digital economy: check for data consistency on the example of Latvia and Lithuania.
  • 2020/2021 Vita Zarina has conducted a study course on Accounting at Kaunas University of Applied Science in the amount of 20 lectures;
  • 2020/2021 During the entire academic year, Vita Zarina participated in the EU project Future Heroes as a mentor, where fifty of the most active girls of Latvian secondary schools made their business projects.
  • 2020/2021 EKA Professor Vita Zariņa participated in the work of the Riga City Council Grant allocation commission, assessing business ideas and attracting business projects to the EKA Business Incubator, as well as in the assessment of the Idea Cup (Ideju Kauss) projects;
  • 2020/2021 Vita Zarina conducted lectures on Management Accounting for adults, organized within the framework of European Social Fund project No. "Improving employees’ professional competence" in 2020/21;
  • 2020/2021 Vita Zarina conducted a seminar (60 academic hours) for professional accountants for enhancing their qualification in management accounting, within the framework of the project Balance Academy.

Intervijas, podkāsti:







HEInnovate - Eiropas Komisijas Izglītības un kultūras ģenerāldirektorāta sadarbībā ar ESAO iniciatīva, kuras mērķis ir uzlabot un izcelt AII iesaisti uzņēmējdarbībā.




Dalība HEInnovate Train the Trainer seminārā, Briselē, 2023. gada 23.-24. novembrī.

Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Ekonomikas institūts




2)Sadarbības līgums No. 4-17/19/16

1. VI Starptautiskā ekonomikas foruma “OPEN INOVATION: no indivīda radošuma uz inovatīvu zinātnē balstītu ekonomiku” organizēšana, sesija “Finanšu pratība un inovācijas finanšu sektorā”.

2. Starptautiskā ekonomikas foruma “FUTURE ECONOMY: Globalization Challenges arced by Europe and Baltics in the 21st century” organizēšana.

WSB Merito universitāte Poznaņā




EKA studentu dalība eksperimentā projekta „Patērētāju ekonomiskā (ne)pratība. Izpētīt indivīdu cerības, pamatojoties uz eksperimentiem un algoritmiskām metodēm” (Nacionālā zinātnes centra finansēts projekts)

Finanšu izglītības biedrība

Bizness, publiska


Sadarbības līgums No. 4-17/21/04

Sadarbība ar Finanšu izglītības asociāciju (NASDAQ, "Alphinox Quality", Stokholmas Ekonomikas augstskola, "VA Communications") par pētījumu veikšanu par tēmu "Zināšanas un attieksme pret finanšu ieguldījumiem jauniešu vidū".

Latvijas banka

Valsts, bizness



Latvijas iedzīvotāju finanšu pratības stratēģijas 2021.-2027.gadam īstenošana grupā ir iesaistīti pārstāvji no daudzām institūcijām, piemēram, Ekonomikas ministrijas, Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centra, Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras, Finanšu sektora asociācijas, Latvijas Apdrošinātāju asociācijas, BA Biznesa augstskolas un finanses, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, EKA Augstskola, Akciju sabiedrība “Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum”, Akciju sabiedrība “NASDAQ Riga”, AS “SEB banka”, Luminor Bank AS meitas uzņēmums Latvijā, AS “Swedbank”, SIA “Intrum Latvia”, “Junior Achievement Latvia” un citi.

Eiropas digitālo mācību tīkls (Dlearn).

AI, bizness



1. Konferences FuturEdu2023 organizēšana

2. Projekts: GREENENTRE4DEAF: Inovatīvu un iekļaujošu mācīšanas un mācīšanās stimulēšana augstākās izglītības iestādēs, izmantojot VR simulācijas digitālai un zaļai uzņēmējdarbībai. cilvēki ar dzirdes traucējumiem Erasmus+ KA220-HED-DE0381DD.

A/S “Protezēšanas un ortopēdijas centrs” (POC)



Līgums No. 16-10/23/07

Pasūtījuma pētījums “Priekšnosacījumi ideālā veselības centra veidošanai”



EKA pirmkursnieki trīs dienu seminārā “SPEKATRIP” iepazīstas ar studentu dzīvi. Oktobra beigās, Limbažos, Meža salās, norisinājās trīs dienu seminārs pirmkursniekiem “SPEKATRIP”...



No 28 oktobra līdz 1. novembrim Tartu, Igaunijā norisinājās apmācību nometne “BSG Go!”.. Mūsu 3. kursa studenti prezentēja savu izstrādāto spēli “Mixmaster”. Mūsu pasniedzēji...



Oktobrī bakalaura studiju programmas "Mārketings" 4. kursa studenti praktiskās darbnīcas "Multimediālie risinājumi" laikā devās pieredzes vizītē uz Latvijas Radio, lai iepazītos ar sabiedriskā medija ikdienas...



Turpinām iedvesmot!. #teirstudet #ekaiedvesmo. Šajā pusgadā 3. kursa interjera dizaina studenti strādā pie konkursa projekta ar sociāli nozīmīgu tēmu, izstrādājot piedāvājumu jauniešu...



Edgars Čerkovskis, studiju programmas “Aprites ekonomika un sociālā uzņēmējdarbība” direktors, kopā ar “Zero Waste Latvija” valdes locekli Maiju Krastiņu un "Clean R" grupas valdes...



No 23. līdz 27. septembrim norisinājās Design Manifesto workshop Lefteris Heretakis vadībā, kurā piedalījās Interjera dizaina 2. kursa klātiene, tā laikā jaunie dizaineri rakstīja savus dizaina manifestus...



Ir piedāvātas 4 vakances ESF projekta „Subsidētās darba vietas bezdarbniekiem” ietvaros. ESF projekta „Subsidētās darba vietas bezdarbniekiem” vakance ASISTENTS (izglītības jomā),...



No 23. līdz 27. septembrim studiju programmas “Interjera dizains” 2.kursa studentiem norisināsies nedēļu ilgs workshop “Design Manifesto”, kuru vadīs ārzemju lektors Lefteris Heretakis.....



No 23. līdz 27. septembrim Interjera dizaina, 3.kursa studentiem un Datorspēļu dizaina 2. kursa studentiem norisināsies nedēļu ilgs "Board game jam" , kuru vadīs ārzemju lektors Adam Mayes. . Datorspēļu...

Uzdot jautājumu



Sazinies ar mums