EKA participation in NordPlus Adult project
The University of Economics and Culture (Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola) is a partner in a project "Promoting E-Learning for Adults to Improve Quality and Availability of Life-Long Education" (NPAD-2017/10049). Project goal is to improve adult education quality and availability, by contributing to the development of free-access IT-based educational products that will enhance financial literacy.
The following actions are required to achieve project aim:
- To establish a collaborative network between the partner entities of this project;
- To prepare content of IT-based educational products (curriculum of e-courses) for adults, teaching instructions and recommendations for creating of related webinars;
- To develop pilot webinars and related materials for adults;
- To prepare a content and technical programming for self-evaluation e-tool;
- To raise the awareness about adult learning opportunities in partner countries.
Project coordinator: Danish Agency for Science and higher Education, DENMARK (DK). Project partners: Draudimo ir rizikos valdymo institutas (Insurance and Risk Management Institute), LITHUANIA (LT), ′Københavns Handelshøjskole′, ′Institut for International Økonomi og Virksomhedsledelse′ (Copenhagen Business School, Department of International Economics & Management (INT), DENMARK (DK) and Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola (The University College of Economics and Culture), LATVIA (LV).
Project period – October 2017 – March 2019.
Unified curriculum form
Curriculum form was designed, based on national requirements and incorporating the principles of the European Qualification Framework (EQF).
Curriculum of e-courses for adults
Financial Analysis and Planning
Methodology of teaching in e-environment
Pilot webinars
Technical Analysis (Tehniskā analīze) I
Technical Analysis (Tehniskā analīze) II
Financial ratios (Finanšu rādītāji) I
Financial ratios (Finanšu rādītāji) II
Self-evaluation e-tool for adults