CIRCECO Project meeting in Celje, Slovenia
The representatives of all partner institutions – European University – Republic of Macedonia (R. of Macedonia), Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede(Slovenia), Green Infrastructure Ltd (Zagreb, Croatia) and The University of Economics and Culture (Latvia), took part in the transnational project meeting in Celje (Slovenia), on June 18-19, 2018, hosted by the Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede.
The University of Economics and Culture (EKA) was represented by EKA CIRCECO project team members – EKA Vice-rector for science and international cooperation Jelena Titko and EKA Guest Professor Tatjana Tambovceva.
During the meeting presentation of the completed intellectual outputs were made: Baseline report was presented by the Project coordinator (EURM, R.Macedonia) and the Business and entrepreneurship Manual for Circular Economy was presented by the Green Infrastructure (Croatia). Besides, the existing study programmes in the field of Circular economy realized by different European HEI were analysed, the list of study courses for 1-year Master study programme “Circular economy” was created and the topics covered by each study course were discussed.
CIRCECO is financed and supported by the European Commission, Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership (grant agreement No. 2017-1-MK01-KA203-035392).