Computer game development students have created a computer game for scholars
At the initiative of a health group “Repharm”, students of the “Computer Games Design and Graphics” study programme have developed a health-friendly computer game “Veselībnieks”, that gives an opportunity for young scholars to explore health-related issues in an attractive way. Everyone had an opportunity to attend a festive presentation in honor of the release of the game, which took place in February 2019.
The game is available to everyone here.
The purpose of the video game is to promote the development of knowledge related to health and safety. The game will help scholars to find out more about their body and understand the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The playing environment is a living space and an urban environment.
The developers of the game’s content are doctors: the main editor Linda Šauriņa is a family doctor, a representative of Latvian Family Medicine Association and editor of a medical journal “Medicus Bonus”. The section on nutrition was developed by Lolita Neimane, the head of the RSU “Nutrition” and “Nutrition Science” study programmes, together with her students. When the technical and artistic parts of the game was developed by students and teachers of EKA study programme "Computer Games Design and Graphics" under mentoring of Dr.oec. Kaspars Šteinbergs.
Ten thematic sections include 450 questions from doctors: general questions (physical activity, nutrition, hygiene, sleep, injuries, first aid, medical services, medical staff (doctor, pharmacist, nurse, laboratory assistant), senses (hearing, vision, voice), brain and its activity, heart and blood vessels, respiratory system and its activity, bones and muscles, sex differences, digestive system (teeth, stomach, intestines, liver), kidneys and bladder, skin, thyroid gland, endocrine system.