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The research direction within social sciences covering such topics as assessment Higher Education stakeholders needs, professional development for educators, curriculum innovation and design, industry-academia collaboration, investigation and evaluation of practices to measure the attainment of 21st century skills among students, effective leadership within HEIs, studies on the role of technology in enhancing teaching process, institutional culture and change management, student-centred learning environment, exploration of education policy frameworks, research of the role of ethical leadership and social responsibility in the 21st century workforce, life-long learning, exploration of the importance of data literacy, analysis of the skills needed for entrepreneurship, examination of the importance of cultural competence and diversity awareness in a globalized world, investigation of the impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence on the workforce and society and others.

The main focus on research related to SDG4 “Quality Education”.


Research coordinator: Dr.oec. Jevgenija Dehtjare, Head of the Development of the Scientific Institution, Assistant Professor, Researcher, EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia).

Jevgeņija DehtjareCertified Career Coach, member of EUMMAS (European Marketing and Management Association) and NetworkIQ community. Graduated from Riga Technical University and worked at ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) as Business Administration in Tourism program director, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and researcher. The author of more than 55 scientific papers in the field of economics, business, management, tourism, hospitality and education. She is a member of the editorial board of the “Dnipro Scientific Journal of Public Administration, Psychology, Law” and member of EKA etECH Conference organising committee.  

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6859-2327

E-mail: jevgenija.dehtjare@eka.edu.lv

LinkedIn profile

Research team members

Dr. Kristine Uzule, Researcher, EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2633-6069

Dr. paed. Larisa Turuševa, Researcher, Associate Professor, EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4134-7038

Dr. oec. Oksana Lentjusenkova, Researcher, Rector, EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6494-1534

Dr. oec. Jelena Titko, Researcher, Professor, EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1333-0941

Mg. Edgars Cerkovskis, Research Assistant, EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-5146-7167

PhD. cand. Julija Mironova, Business Administration in Tourism study program director, ISMA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3090-6220

Mg. Diana Lapkis, CEO of NewDoor (Latvia)Mg. Galina Berjozkina, Program Director, City Unity College (Cyprus), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9821-4709

Mg. Igor Mogila, Researcher, International Science Group (Ukraine)

Dr. oec. Liudmila Hanushchak-Yefimenko, Vice-Rector,  Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (Ukraine), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4458-2984

Ph. D. Remigijus Kinderis, Director, Klaipeda University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2942-7342

Mg. Lika Kiladze, Founder, Education Development and Employment Center (Georgia)

Ph.D. Mourine Achieng, Researcher, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (South Africa), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6368-8533

Dr. Khalil AÏT SAÏD, Assistant Professor in HRM, ISM-IAE-UVSQ-Paris Saclay, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0924-0636

Dr. Hamza Nidaazzi, Researcher, Cadi Ayyad University (Marocco), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9780-3448 

Dr. Debjani Banerjee, Professor, VIvekanand Education Society′s Business School (India), ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-001-7326-2544  

Saltanat Meiramova, Associate Professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, EAGI A.K. Kussayinov Eurasian Humanities Institute, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3204-1523 

Ljupcho Efremov, Assistant Professor, American University of The Middle East (Kuwait), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2660-4422  

Dr Neerja Kashive, Associate Dean Research & Head FPM, VES Business School, Mumbai (India), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3259-9631

Zsuzsanna Géring, PhD., Senior Research Fellow, Budapest Business University, Hungary, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8242-950X

Dr. CSc. Tamás Gáspár, Associate Professor, Budapest Business University, Hungary, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6932-1994



Research papers:

  • Dehtjare, J., & Uzule, K. (2023). Sustainable Higher Education Management: Career Drivers of Academic Staff. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 25(2), 89–105. https://doi.org/10.2478/jtes-2023-0018 SCOPUS Q2
  • Uzule K., Dehtjare J., Turuseva L., Mironova J.(2023). Education for sustainable development. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Sustainable and Socially Responsible Development in the Network of Socioeconomic Relations”, September 29-30, 2023, Gdansk, Poland, 46-47
  • Titko,  J.,  Steinbergs,  K.,  Achieng,  M.,  Uzule,  K.  (2023). Artificial Intelligence for Education and Research: Pilot Study on Perception of Academic Staff. Virtual Economics, 6(3), 7-19. https://doi.org/10.34021/ve.2023.06.03(1) SCOPUS Q2
  • Titko, J., Uzule, K., Tambovceva, T., Koshkin, I., Verina, N., Radionovs, J., Liepins, A., (2023). Entrepreneurship competences for ICT students: Latvian and Kazakh samples. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 11-12, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania, 402-409. https://bm.vgtu.lt/index.php/verslas/2023/paper/viewFile/1108/564
  • Titko, J., Bistrova, J., Budanceva, J., Uzule, K., Verina, N. (2023) Knowledge, attitude and behavior towards investments: pilot study on Latvian sample. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 11-12, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania, 229-236. https://bm.vgtu.lt/index.php/verslas/2023/paper/viewFile/971/535
  • Titko, J., Uzule, K., Zarina, V., Shina, I., Verina, N., Cerkovskis, E., Budanceva, J., Pildavs, J. (2022). Teaching financial literacy in a global economic era: the outcomes of learning experiment in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ”Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2022”, October 12-13, 2022, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic, 1464-1474.  https://globalizacia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Globalizacia_2022.pdf
  • Svirina, A., Lopatin, A., & Titko, J. (2021). Analysis of students performance in relation to the results of state unified exam: the case of Russian university. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 19(1), 170-179. https://doi.org/10.3846/bmee.2021.14201 WOS:000652186600011 SCOPUS
  • Titko, J., Bierne, J. (2019). Competence Development of Young Entrepreneurs through Educational Innovations. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 255-264. http://doi.org/10.21272/mmi.2019.3-19 WoS: 000488243600019
  • Bierne, J., Svirina, A., Titko, J. (2019). E-Learning and E-Teaching Effectiveness: Academic Staff Perception // In: Kabashkin I., Yatskiv (Jackiva) I., Prentkovskis O. (eds) Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. RelStat 2018. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 68, 768-778. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12450-2_74 SCOPUS


Related projects:


  • Report at International Multidisciplinary Conference "Challenges of Contemporary Higher Education" - CCHE 2024, January 29-February 3, 2024, Belgrad, Serbia. Digital innovations in the Baltic countries as a tool of digital economy for working market
  • Keynote speech at the International Scientific Conference “SOCIETAL INTERACTIONS: RETHINKING MODERN ISSUES", November 16, 2023, Klaipeda, Lithuania. Higher education in Bani world: a need for change
  • Report at International Scientific Conference “SOCIETAL INTERACTIONS: RETHINKING MODERN ISSUES", November 16, 2023, Klaipeda, Lithuania. Building a bridge between entrepreneurship competence framework and sustainable development goals (SDG) for attaining SDG4 “quality education”
  • Report at International Scientific Conference “SOCIETAL INTERACTIONS: RETHINKING MODERN ISSUES", November 16, 2023, Klaipeda, Lithuania. Value creation of inclusive education in Latvian education policy documents
  • Keynote speech at the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 12-13, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania. Artificial Intelligence in Education: Threats or Opportunities?
  • Report at the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 11-12, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania. Entrepreneurship competences for ICT students: Latvian and Kazakh samples
  • Report at the International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, May 11-12, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards investments: pilot study on Latvian sample
  • Report at the International Scientific Conference ”Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2022”, October 12-13, 2022, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic. Teaching financial literacy in a global economic era: the outcomes of learning experiment in Latvia.
  • 2023/09/21-22. VI International Economic Forum “OPEN INNOVATION: from the Creativity of the Individual to an Innovative Science-Based Economy”. Latvian Academy of Sciences. EKA organized session "Financial Literacy and Innovations in the Financial Sector". https://economicforum.lv/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/PROGRAMMA_FORUM_19.09.23-1.pdf
  • Čerkovskis, E. Opinion publication “Lielākā daļa pat nesaprot, kā rēķinus apmaksāt!” https://www.la.lv/lielaka-dala-pat-nesaprot-ka-rekinus-apmaksat-cerkovskis-skaidro-sabiedribas-izpratni-par-energetiku/komentari
  • Čerkovskis, E. Presentation at the Bank of Latvia teachers’ konference “Does life in virtual reality require financial literacy?” https://www.naudasskola.lv/lv/piedalies/konference-skolotajiem-vai-dzivei-virtualaja-realitate-nepieciesama
  • 24/08/2022. Bank of Latvia organized a conference for teachers “Does life in virtual reality require financial literacy? Economic news and 100-years of experience of the Bank of Latvia.” EKA research assistant Edgars Čerkovskis organized a workshop “Virtual reality tools for the study process” for the teachers of grades 7-9.







HEInnovate is an initiative of the European Commission′s Directorate General Education and Culture in partnership with the OECD, aimed to improve and highlight HEIs` involvement in entrepreneurial activity https://www.heinnovate.eu/en




Participation in HEInnovate Train the Trainer seminar, Brussels, November 23-24, 2023

Social entrepreneurship accelerator "New Door" https://newdoor.lv/



Cooperation agreement No. 16-10/23/01

Participation in graduation event on May 23, 2023. The acceleration program is part of the cycle of social entrepreneurship activities of the Ministry of Welfare "Developing social entrepreneurship together!", financed by the European Social Fund.

Economic Institute of the Latvian Academy of Science https://eilza.lv/




2)Cooperation agreement No. 4-17/19/16

1)Organisation of the VI International Economic Forum “OPEN INNOVATION: from the Creativity of the Individual to an Innovative Science-Based Economy”, session "Financial Literacy and Innovations in the Financial Sector". https://economicforum.lv/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/PROGRAMMA_FORUM_19.09.23-1.pdf

2)Organisation of the International Economic Forum “FUTURE ECONOMY: Globalization Challenges faced by Europe and Baltics in the 21st century”. (Agreement from 21.11.2019) https://economicforum.lv/partners/

WSB Merito University in Poznan




Participation of EKA students in the experiment within the framework of the project “Economic (il)literacy of consumers. Investigating individuals’ expectations based on experiments and algorithmic methods” (a project financed by the National Science Centre).

Finance Education Association https://www.finib.lv/

Business, public


Cooperation agreement No. 4-17/21/04

Cooperation with the Finance Education Association (NASDAQ, "Alphinox Quality», Stockholm School of Economics, «VA Communications» ) on carrying out research on the theme “Knowledge and Attitude towards Financial Investments among Youth”.

Bank of Latvia https://www.bank.lv/

Public, business



Implementation of the Strategy for financial literacy of Latvian residents for the period 2021-2027 https://www.bank.lv/en/component/content/article?id=12782:latvijas-banka-will-be-the-responsible-institution-in-the-field-of-financial-literacy The working group involves representatives from many institutions, such as Ministry of Economics, Consumer Rights Protection Center, State Employment Agency, Financial Sector Association, Latvian insurers′ Association, BA School of Business and Finance, Riga Technical University, EKA University of Applied Sciences, Joint Stock Company “Development Finance Institution Altum”, Joint Stock Company “NASDAQ Riga”, JSC “SEB banka”, subsidiary of Luminor Bank AS in Latvia, JSC “Swedbank”, “Intrum Latvia” Ltd., “Junior Achievement Latvia”, and others. https://www.finansupratiba.lv/zinas/paraksta-sadarbibas-memorandu-latvijas-iedzivotaju-finansu-pratibas-strategijas-ieviesanai/


European Digital Learning Network (Dlearn) https://dlearn.eu/

HEI, business



1)Organisation of the conference FuturEdu2023 https://www.augstskola.lv/index.php?parent=545&lng=en

2)Project:GREENENTRE4DEAF: Stimulating innovative and inclusive teaching and learning in HE through VR simulations for digital and green entrepreneurship for people with hearing impairments Erasmus+ KA220-HED-DE0381DD.

International Science Group (ISG) https://isg-konf.com/

HEI, business


Cooperation agreement 16-10/23/02

Participation in common research and co-publication “IMPROVING QUALITY OF ADMINISTRATION PROCESS IN HEIs: PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE PERCEIVED BY ACADEMIC STAFF IN UKRAINE” https://sciendo.com/article/10.2478/jec-2024-0001

Latvian Space Industry Association (LAIK)




Cooperation Agreement No. 16-10/23/04

7th Cassini Hackathon in Latvia organizational support and mentoring of participants




Working hours of the Admissions Committee and the Student Information Centre (SIC) 23.08.2024: from 9.00 to 15.00..



University opening hours 29.08.2024: 8.30 a.m. to 3 p.m..



The EIT HEI Initiative Pilot Phase Conclusion Event took place in Brussels on June 3-4, 2024 and EKA University of Applied Sciences participated in it, as a part of the project "Building Forward Better’...



From May 22nd to 24th, 2024, EKA University of Applied Sciences made its inaugural appearance at the EUMMAS (European Marketing and Management Association) A2S Conference on Global Social and Technological...



If you are an EU citizen living in Latvia you can vote!. If you′re an EU citizen currently residing in Latvia, you are eligible to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections, but in order...



EUMMAS A2S Conference on Global Social and Technological Development and Sustainability, Bucharest 2024, Romania. We are pleased to announce that our institution, as a member of the EUMMAS Academic Consortium,...



Opening on the day before Easter, 28 March:. The EKA administration, including the Student Information Centre and the Library, will be open until 15.00. Technical staff will work until 16.00 on 28...



The most awaited ball DZIMUMBALLE. Are you ready to sing along to the songs of MAUKU SENCIS & GRANDMASTERS NEONS and beat the rhythms of the night on the dance floor with DJ GUSTS? Because that′s...



Thanks to a wonderful celebration, EKA will be open from 8.30 to 13.30 on 8 March.. Lectures take place as scheduled.. Congratulations to our wonderful women!❤️.

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