The international, interdisciplinary research group “Current Issues in Sports Law” is dedicated to investigating critical issues related to the legal regulation of sport. This group specifically focuses on the complex intersections between sport, law, and politics, exploring how these fields influence and shape each other at both national and international levels.
Legal and political issues related to sports encompass a wide range of topics, including governance, ethics, compliance, and the impact of legal frameworks on athletes, organizations, and stakeholders. These issues are relevant across global and national contexts, where differing legal standards and political dynamics can create complex challenges. The research group aims to provide thought leadership and strategic direction in national sports law and policy, while also influencing standards and practices in international sports governance through rigorous research projects and scholarly publications.
The research direction “Current Issues in Sports Law” is primarily related to SDG 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Additionally, it touches on SDG 3: “Good Health and Well-being”.
Research coordinator: Dr. Karina Zalcmane, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs, EKA University of Applied Sciences.
Research team
Dr. Marina Kamenecka-Usova, Associate Professor (The EKA University of Applied Sciences (EKA), Latvia). ORCID:
Dr. Ilona Lejniece, Assistant Professor, EKA University of Applied Sciences (EKA), Latvia). ORCID:
Dr. David McArdle, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Law School, Stirling University (Scotland, UK). ORCID:
Dr. Anna Di Giandomenico, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Teramo (Teramo, Italy). ORCID:
Dr. Maria Francesca Serra, Professor at the Department of Political, Legal and Sociological Sciences, The Niccolò Cusano University (Rome, Italy) ORCID:
Dr.Yaacov Falkov, visiting lecturer at Tel Aviv University and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel. ORCID:
- National Development Plan - NAP2027. Priority “Culture and sports for an active and fulfilling life”, direction “Human participation in cultural and sports activities”.
- Latvian sports policy guidelines for 2021-2027
Research papers:
- Zalcmane, K., & Kamenecka-Usova, M. (2019). The cost of policing football matches in Latvia. In K. S. Soliman (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 (pp. 6633-6641). (Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020). International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA. SCOPUS
- Zalcmane, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence as a legal support of economic activity. Proceedings of the international online conference “Innovation, social and economic challenges”, 9-10.
- Zalcmane, K., Kamenecka-Usova, M., & Bickovskis, A. (2021). The Problematic Issues of Sports Law in Latvia: Compliance of Labour and Tax Legislations from the Sustainable Development Perspective. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(4), 291-291. WOS:000727955100027
- Zalcmane, K., & Kameņecka-Usova, M. (2021). Whether Sports Liability is an Independent Type of Legal Liability. Socrates 2(20), 255-267.
- Kamenecka-Usova, M., Lejniece, I. ., & Zalcmane, K. (2024). Hosting Large Sports Events Sustainably: A Contemporary Administrative and Economic Evaluation. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 13(3), 609.
- Kameņecka-Usova M., Zalcmane K., (2023) Sporta tiesības. Aktuālās problēmas, izaicinājumi un jaunākās tendencies. Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola. ISBN 978-9984-24-257-6
Other papers:
- Zalcmane K. (2021). Sportā aizliegto vielu un metožu kriminalizācija
- Zalcmane, K.(2024) Parīzes Olimpisko spēļu drošība un pretterorisma stratēģiju novērtējums paaugstināta terorisma draudu apstākļos. Jurista vārds.
- Kameņecka-Usova M.,(2024) Sporta tiesību un diplomātijas mijiedarbība ceļā uz kopīgu mērķi
- Zalcmane, K. EKA International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2019. Report: THE "BLACK-OUT RULE" OF THE UEFA IN LATVIA AND ABROAD.
- Marina Kamenecka-Usova. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2019. Report: THE TOPICALITY OF SPORTS LAW
- Zalcmane, K. Rīga Stradiņš University International Interdisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences PLACES 2019. Report: Powers of police and various authorities preventing violence at football Matches: Settlement of Mutual Relations between fans, clubs, police and Society in Latvia and abroad
- Ināra Brante, Ilona Lejniece. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2020. Report: RELIABILITY AND REPUTATION OF THE BOARD MEMBER IN LATVIA
- Marina Kamenecka-Usova. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2020. Report: WHAT IS SPORTS LAW?
- Karina Zalcmane. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2020. Report: SPORT EVENT SAFETY AND SECURITY: FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ISSUES
- Zalcmane, K. 25th IASL International Sports Law Congress, December 13-14, 2019, Atēnas Grieķija. Report: Sports Criminology, crime prevention, research
- Zalcmane, K. Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes starptautiska zinātniski praktiska konference “Tiesiskās sistēmas aktuālās problēmas”, 23.aprīlī, 2020. Riga, Latvia. Report: Eiropas Padomes Projekts ProS4 +: par vardarbību, nekārtībām un citām aizliegtām darbībām futbola spēlēs
- Kamenecka-Usova, M. 25th International Association of Sports Law′s Sports Law Congress ′Professionalism in Sports Activities, International Sports Rules/Sports Law Code′, Athens 2019, Greece. Report: European Dimension of Sports
- Kamenecka-Usova, M. Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes starptautiska zinātniski praktiska konference “Tiesiskās sistēmas aktuālās problēmas”, 23.aprīlī, 2020. Rīgā.
- Karina Zalcmane. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2021. Report:INTERNATIONAL INTERINSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION IN TACKLING CRIME AND CORRUPTION IN SPORTS
- Marina Kamenecka-Usova. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2021. Report:GOOD GOVERNANCE IN SPORT ORGANIZATIONS
- Lejniece, I. participation in the International Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship (SCEE’2020), which took place on-line in Riga (Latvia), October 16, 2020. Good Governance - utopia or reality in a pandemic.
- Zalcmane, K. 25.03.2021 participation with a report "Criminalisation of Doping" at RSU 2nd International inter-disciplinary conference PLACES.
- Marina Kameņecka-Usova. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2022. Report: GOOD GOVERNANCE IN NATIONAL SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INTERNAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION - Karina Zalcmane. CRIMINAL LIABILITY IN SPORTS
- Marina Kamenecka-Usova, Ilona Lejniece, Karina Zalcmane. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2023. LARGE SPORTS EVENTS: PROS AND CONS FOR HOSTING COUNTRY
- Marina Kamenecka-Usova, Karina Zalcmane. International Scientific Conference „Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)” 2024. THE EMERGENCE OF THE BALTIC FOOTBALL LEAGUE AND LEGAL ANALYSIS OF OPTIMAL GOVERNANCE PRACTICES FOR SUCCESS
Other results:
- Marina Kameņecka-Usova, Karina Zalcmane (2024/2025) FIFA RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP (International Centre for Sports Studies) Globalization of Football -The Emergence of the Baltic Football League and Legal Analysis of Optimal Governance Practices for Success