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Here you will find documents and guidelines for starting the research process and successfully implementing it.

Getting Started as a Researcher at EKA

It is possible to apply for a researcher position at the EKA University of Applied Sciences by following these steps:

  • Vacancies are advertised in the Latvijas Vēstnesis (www.lv.lv) and on job portals. The candidate should apply according to the procedure specified in the advertisement, submitting the documents specified in the advertisement to the Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations, dr.oec. prof. J. Titko, by e-mail: jelena.titko@eka.edu.lv.
  • It is also possible to apply outside the competition by sending a letter of motivation, CV and other supporting documents to the mentioned e-mail.

The management of EKA′s scientific staff is determined by the "Research Policy" guidelines.

At EKA, the selection of research staff shall take place taking into account the following criteria:

  • education background
  • scientific activities and publications
  • management or participation in scientific projects
  • academic activities
  • the level of foreign language skills
  • other personal and professional skills (international experience, management skills, etc.)

The base level of selection criteria for each position is set out in the job descriptions, as well as in the “Regulations on the Scientific Institution”.

The recruitment of research staff at EKA shall be organized in an open competition procedure, ensuring that the selection process is transparent and is based on the assessment of qualification, competence and conformity with the scientific criteria.

The election process shall take place in accordance with the Regulation on the Scientific Institution and the Regulation on the Scientific Council of the EKA University of Applied Sciences.

Joining the research teams

EKAUniversity of Applied Sciences carries out active research activities in the following scientific directions:

  • LAW

There are thematic research groups in each scientific direction. The list of research groups and a description of their activities is available HERE.

Researchers who are interested in expanding their scientific activities, creating joint scientific articles and thematic scientific networking can join research groups by contacting their coordinators:





Sustainable development

Jelena Titko


Intellectual Capital Management

Oksana Lentjušenkova


Future of Education and Competences

Jevgenija Dehtjare


Social Entrepreneurship Eco-System Development / CSR and ESG practices for stakeholders value creation

Kristīne Užule


Well-Being in Life and Well-Being at Work

Jeļena Budanceva


Economics, Business Administration and Marketing

Jevgenija Dehtjare


Digital Economy and Business Digital Transformation

Jelena Titko

Nataļja Verina



Inclusivity and Diversity in Higher Education

Kristīne Užule



Sports Law

Karina Zalcmane



Brand Identity and Brand Value Creation



Digital Games Research




E-learning technologies and management




Research infrastructure and facilities

Information is being updated.

Funding and support

To promote researchers′ personal and career growth, expand research expertise, networking opportunities, and enhance research impact, EKA provides a broad range of support tools for its scientific personnel:

  • Collaboration and Networking. EKA offers networking opportunities for researchers through organizing a Science Club, the Annual International etECH conference, Staff Training Week, and opportunities to collaborate with new partners in projects and research groups.
  • Financial Support. EKA provides financial support to researchers. This includes co-funding for participation in international scientific conferences, financial support for publishing scientific articles, covered language editing for publications in the international journal Economics and Culture, support for monographs and other print publications, and funding to disseminate research results to the wider public and industry. Information on the support application procedure is available in the Regulation of Research and Creative Activities.
  • Research Process Support. To ensure the highest quality of research work and compliance with international academic standards, the monitoring and coordination of the research process is provided within research groups. Researchers receive methodological guidance on preparing and publishing articles, and working with scientific databases, along with support in ethics and integrity matters.
  • Training and Supervision. Researchers have access to regular scientific qualification advancement and training at annual EKA events, including the Academic Conference, Staff Training Week, ETECH conference, and various seminars aimed at strengthening research competencies. In addition, co-funding is available for qualification improvement at international scientific conferences, including those abroad.
  • Resources and Information Support. All EKA academic staff have access to facilities, equipment, laboratories, library resources, and international databases. EKA may also support the purchase of necessary software and licenses to meet research goals. Researchers regularly receive up-to-date information on opportunities to participate in conferences, publications, and other science-related events.
  • Personal Growth and Career Opportunities. EKA encourages staff not only to participate actively but also to bring in new projects and research initiatives, lead them, and collaborate. Special attention is given to the development of young researchers, offering them access to necessary resources and mentor support. EKA involves young researchers in projects and research groups, promoting the development of practical research skills and supporting their professional growth in academia. Co-funding is available for young researchers pursuing doctoral studies.
  • Awards and Recognition. Significant achievements of EKA’s scientific staff are recognized and rewarded:
    - financial bonuses for high-quality articles published in Q1 and Q2 journals
    - financial bonus for exceeding individual performance indicators
    - awards at EKA Science Club meeting "Best EKA Researcher" or "Best Young EKA Researcher"
    - ETECH conference "Best Presentation Award".
  • Researcher Well-being. EKA values the comfort, well-being, and motivation of its employees. Flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, are available to help researchers balance their work and personal lives. Every two years, EKA conducts an employee satisfaction survey to identify staff needs and improve its motivation system.

EKA Regulations of Research and Artistic Activity

Application form for publication costs

Application form for business trip

Application form for student support

Report on business trip

Research policy and ethics

The basic principles of the EKA research policy are the development of a research and innovation culture, the creation of a favorable and supportive environment for researchers, and ensuring of the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the research process. This policy is based on Latvian and European science development planning documents and corresponds to the long-term strategic goals of EKA.

EKA’s scientific activities are oriented towards the following priority areas - economics and entrepreneurship, law, arts and creative industries, information technology, which are consistent with the strategic goals of EKA and the priorities of sustainable development of Latvia. EKA is committed to preventing all forms of discrimination and ensuring a supportive environment for all researchers. Research is carried out with the aim of providing a positive impact on society and the economy, promoting cooperation with local and international partners. In order to promote a supportive environment for all researchers, EKA is guided in its activities by the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the European Commission Recommendations on a European Framework to Attract and Retain Talent for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

EKA adheres to and actively promotes standards of academic and research integrity and is guided in its scientific activities by the European Code of Conduct on Research Integrity, which promotes ethical thinking in the scientific community. The principles described therein apply to the entire university research system and all disciplines. In order to further promote academic integrity in an era of changing technologies, EKA is guided by the European Commission’s Living Guidelines for the Responsible Use of Generative AI in Research. The university has also developed Guidelines for the Integration of AI into the EKA study and research process.

EKA supports the principles of open science and encourages researchers to make their work available to the public.

Publishing and dissemination

EKA researchers are encouraged to publish their research results in the form of: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Conference Papers, Books and Book Chapters, Technical Reports and Policy Briefs.

EKA is committed to ensuring that research outputs reach a broad audience, fostering knowledge exchange and maximizing the impact of research. To achieve this, the university supports a variety of dissemination channels, allowing researchers to tailor their communication to academic, industry, and public audiences:

  • Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals: Primary channel for high-quality, scholarly publications.
  • Academic Conferences and Symposia: For sharing research findings, receiving feedback, and networking within the academic community.
  • Open-Access Platforms
  • University-hosted workshops, seminars, and public lectures: opportunities for direct engagement with both academic and non-academic audiences. Annual event organized by EKA is the International scientific conference Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities.
  • Online Webinars and Virtual Conferences: flexible options for engaging with both academic and non-academic audiences globally.
  • Recognizable media channels, like DELFI un LSM.
  • Professional journals: targeted publications that connect research findings with professionals and practitioners in specific industries, like Bilance un Jurista Vārds.
  • Institutional newsletters, like Dlearn newsletter to publish information about the projects.
  • Institutional reports. Research results are summarized and published in the Scientific and creative activity annual report.

EKA Priority Conferences for 2024/2025

EKA Priority Journals for 2024/2025

Capacity Building and Training

EKA provides researchers with opportunities to enhance their scientific qualifications by participating in local and international conferences, including the EKA-organized Etech. These events allow researchers to present their findings and learn from the latest and best practices of other researchers.

Researchers take advantage of ERASMUS+ funded mobility programs to partner universities in Europe and other parts of the world. These mobilities help develop skills, establish new connections, and transfer knowledge across industries and institutions.

Various training activities linked to research directions that allow researchers to expand their expertise are conducted as part of international projects.

Lectures and workshops on research methodology, data analysis, literature review preparation, AI applications in research, and other topics are held during the International Academic Week and the Staff Training Week, where researchers and academic staff from different countries exchange their experiences.

To strengthen research competencies, regular specialized seminars are organized, with recordings and learning materials accessible to researchers on the EKA Moodle platform (for authorized users). Seminar topics include bibliometric analysis, data analysis with STATA, AI in study and research processes, promoting academic integrity in digital environments, addressing data processing errors, design thinking in research, and more.

All researchers are granted access to EKA’s research resources, including library open-access materials, electronic catalogs, and the international scientific database SCOPUS. In addition, the JAMOVI open-access data analysis tool is available in EKA computer labs.

Special support is also provided for doctoral researchers, who have the opportunity to receive co-funding for their studies and dissertation development.


How can I become an EKA researcher?

See current vacancies in “Latvijas Vēstnesis” or send your CV and motivation letter to e-mail: jelena.titko@eka.edu.lv

I want to present the results of my research. How can I find out which conference is better to choose?

See the list of EKA priority conferences. Also take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the ETECH conference organized by EKA. 

Can I apply for a business trip to participate in the conference and present my research?

Fill out the application form and send it to e-mail: anna.strazda@eka.edu.lv

When I return from a business trip, what do I need to do to complete the formalities with the university?

After returning from the business trip, fill out the business trip report and the supporting documents for the business trip expenses (checks, invoices, tickets, etc.) and submit them to the EKA′s finance department.

I want to publish the results of my research. How can I find out which journal is best for me to publish in?

See the list of priority journals. Also take advantage of the opportunity to publish in the international scientific journal “Economics and Culture”. 

I want to join EKA research groups. How can I do that?

Contact the research group coordinators, contacts

Can I apply for publication expenses?

Fill out the form and send it to e-mail: anna.strazda@eka.edu.lv  

How can I register for participation in the EKA conference "Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)"?  

To register for the conference, please visit: https://etech.eka.edu.lv/  

If I work at EKA, what will be the participation fee for "Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)"?

According to EKA′s science policy, participation in the conference "Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities (etECH)" is free of charge for all EKA employees (researchers, academics and administrative staff).

If I prepared an article that was published on behalf of EKA (affiliation - EKA) in a Q1 or Q2 journal. How can I receive a financial bonus?

Inform about your Q1 or Q2 journal publication to the e-mail: anna.strazda@eka.edu.lv, sending a full reference to the publication and a link. The Head of the Science Administration Department will create an application on the basis of which the bonus will be paid.




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The 2nd OWASP Riga Chapter Meetup [IN-PERSON]. Topic: “Software secure development”. Details:. This event is kindly hosted by Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola. There is limited...



As part of the ERASMUS+ program, Dr. Amvrosios Prodromou, a professor from CTL EUROCOLLEGE (Limassol, Cyprus), visited the EKA University of Applied Sciences at the beginning of February 2025. Dr. Prodromou...



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CLARITY, a leading company in SAP consulting, is excited to offer two exclusive Technical Bootcamps in 2025! These bootcamps are tailored to provide you with in-depth technical knowledge, practical skills,...



The 2nd year students of the study programme "Marketing" together with Erasmus+ students visited the company "TET".. The visit took place in the framework of the study course "Marketing planning", so...



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EKA Delegation Visit to Georgia: International Experience Exchange and Strengthening Academic Ties. From November 6 to 12, a delegation from the University of Economics and Culture (EKA), including the...



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