No 23. līdz 27. septembrim studiju programmas “Interjera dizains” 2.kursa studentiem norisināsies nedēļu ilgs workshop “Design Manifesto”, kuru vadīs ārzemju lektors Lefteris Heretakis.
Šī workshop laikā studenti radīs un strādās pie sava Dizaina manifesta.
Lefteris Heretakis par sevi stāsta:
“As a lecturer, I am is currently the course director of Graphic Design and illustration degrees at Buckinghamshire New University in the United Kingdom. I encourage students to develop individual responses to the challenges of communicating information and visual language in vivid, appropriate and exciting ways and have also taught in Poland, Slovenia, Turkey, Spain, Vietnam and China.
I am also the founder of the New Art School founded in 2009, a community of likeminded individuals committed to creating the next generation of artists and designers through a curriculum that is centred on observation and hand, heart, eye coordination. Today’s designers must have a deep understanding of both traditional and digital skills and fully engage with the new technologies that are reshaping our lives. In 2019 I also founded Design Education Forum that brings specialists from all over the world, to share their teaching experience and their similarities and differences in teaching Art and Design at an international level, while rediscovering the common language of visual communication and proposing creative, direct and applicable solutions to the many challenges that affect design education today. I am the Director for the United Kingdom of CEIDA, China Europe International Design and Culture Association.
As a podcaster I am the founder, producer and host of Design Education Talks podcast and the producer and host of Designer Talks podcast by the Chartered Society of Designers in the United Kingdom”.
Leftera Heretaķa sociālie tīkli: