27.04.2018. SPIDE Project Participant Meeting at EKA
On April 27, within the framework of The University of Economics and Culture (EKA) International Academic Week 2018, SPIDE (Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Development of Entrepreneurship) project partners met for a round table discussion “SPIDE project outcomes: ICCE and BSS components” to discuss the present progress in the development of two project components. Project partners from Integrated Business Institute in Skopje (R. of Macedonia), University of Public Administration in Kehl (Germany) and The University of Economics and Culture (Latvia) took part in the discussion.
The meeting participants discussed the experience of EKA and IBI gained during the student business plan development workshops organized within the ICCE. EKA representatives informed about their findings from testing BSS and piloting BSS scenarios. Students have highly appreciated the opportunities provided by BSS in the study process.
The meeting was concluded by discussing the possible content and participants of the BSS testing event scheduled for autumn at the University if Ljubljana.
SPIDE is financed and supported by the European Commission, Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership.