EKA hosts CIRCECO project participants in Riga
On September 6-7, 2018 EKA hosted the representatives of all partner institutions – European University – Republic of Macedonia (R. of Macedonia), Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede (Slovenia), Youth Entrepreneurial Foundation Service – YES (R. of Macedonia) and Green Infrastructure Ltd (Zagreb, Croatia) during the transnational project meeting in Riga.
The University of Economics and Culture (EKA) was represented by EKA CIRCECO project team members – EKA Vice-rector for science and international cooperation Jelena Titko and EKA Guest Professor Tatjana Tambovceva.
During the meeting intellectual outputs IO3 (Curriculum Building, creating a new Master Study Program for Circular Economy) and IO4 (Curriculum study materials) were discussed. Discussion on IO 3 finished with the common decision regarding the course description template (Appendix No. 3 from the ‘Detailed Report for the Accreditation of the Study Programme at Faculty of Economics’). The discussion on IO4 results was devoted to the titles of the books, which should be identical to the title of the study course. Responsible partners for the development of study materials (books) were defined. EKA is responsible for the development of two books: “Introduction to Circular Economy” and “Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility”.
CIRCECO is financed and supported by the European Commission, Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership (grant agreement No. 2017-1-MK01-KA203-035392).