15.01.2019. EURAXESS Latvia Contact Points meeting
In January, 2019, representatives of EURAXESS Latvia platform met for the first time this year. The meeting was organised by the Department of Science, Research and Innovation Policy Support of the State Education Development Agency (VIAA). The University of Economics and Culture was represented by the Vice Rector of Science and International Relations Jelena Titko.
The participants discussed the profile of a foreign scientist, summarised the achievements of the organisation in 2018, and sketched a plan for 2019. This year EURAXESS Latvia platform is planning to increase its capacity and contribute to enhanced recognition by holding several events including EURAXESS academic seminars devoted to scientists of human resources strategies, charter of European scientists and EURAXESS Worldwide+ diaspora.
During the second part of the event “Zinību pēcpusdienas” (English: “Knowledge afternoon”), the representatives of the State Revenue Service (VID) and The State Social Insurance Agency (VSAA) took the leading role in the discussion related to the topic of taxes and social security relevant for foreigners.
Presentation of VIAA. The meeting of EURAXESS Latvia platform
Presentation of VSAA. Coordination of social security in Europe
Presentation of VID. The procedure of rate and tax payment for non-residents with resident income tax type