12.04.2019. EURAXESS Latvia Training on HRS4R
Head of EKA - Rector Oksana Lentjušenkova, Vice-Rector for Science Jeļena Titko and Chairman of the Board Anna Saltikova - participated in the Dr. Isabelle Halleux workshop about Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R.
Dr.Halleux is managing the EURAXESS initiatives at University of Liege. The University of Liege is hosting a EURAXESS Mobility Service and is actively implementing the European Charter (Eiropas pētnieku harta) and Code (HR excellence in Research). Dr. Halleux gives training on Ethics, OS, HRS4R, Researcher’s Professional Attitude, Professional skills for research Leaders, Project management, Development of research administration, Governance of research. Isabelle Halleux supports Universities to develop their HRS4R process and is peer-reviewed for the process in name of the EU and Vitae-UK.
During the workshop participants had a discussions and group works to answer the questions:
How to identify gaps and to involve the stakeholders?
What is important to deal with in the HRS4R?
The European Charter for Researchers