InVent project has been successfully finalized
On September 30, 2019 the international project “InVent - Partnership to develop VET educators in event management with learner-centred approach”, in which the EKA University of Applied Sciences (EKA) has been participated since 2017, was finished.
The final meeting of all the partners took place in Hannover (Germany) on September 23-24, 2019. During the meeting representatives of all partner organizations – Gecko Gecko Programmes Ltd (UK), Television and Radio Industries Club of the Milands (UK), Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede (Slovenia), EKTC Maribor (Slovenia), Hochschule Hannover (Germany), The German Entertainment Technology Association, Centro Superior De Formacion Europa Sur – CESUR (Spain), Fundación Coremsa (Spain), EKA (Latvia) and Latvijas Kulturas darbinieku biedriba (Latvia) – shared their experience regarding the participation in InVent activities and main achievements during the project period.
During the project the following outcomes were delivered that are aimed to improve the quality of event management education:
- The Standard of competences for event managers has been developed. Development of the Standard of Competences was based on the investigation of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) on event management collected from project partner countries (Slovenia, Latvia, Spain, Germany) and their comparison with the NOS of the United Kingdom (UK), as well as on the survey conducted in five partner countries among event management sector representatives.
- Skillscan tool for lerners’ self-evaluation was developed, as well as guidelines for its application and creation of an Individual Development Plan.
- Study materials that can be used by VET educators in the field of event management.
The projects outcomes will be used within the EKA study programmes “Cultural management” un “Management of Entertainment Industry”.
InVent project is supproted and financed by the European Commission within the framework of Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership programme (grant agreement No. 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036615).