In April 2021, EKA University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Alberta College (Latvia), Walsh College (USA) and Sumy State University (Ukraine) organized the International Scientific Conference Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities - etECH2021. Due to the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference sections were organized virtually, using the video conferencing system BigBlueButton (BBB) and ZOOM platform.
In 2021, the conference was attended by more than 100 participants from 18 countries: the United States, Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland, Slovenia, Italy, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Belgium, Norway, Ireland, Ukraine, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria and Latvia. etECH2021 was organized in six virtual sections with participants presenting 62 reports on the results of their research.
Dear partners and friends, thank you for being with us and supporting etECH2021! Looking forward to see you personally during etECH2022!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Jelena TitkoVice-rector for Science and International Cooperation EKA University of Applied Sciences
etECH2021 coordinator