Various publicity activities inform about project implementation progress
In order for the involved parties and interested people to be able to follow the progress of the implementation of the international project "Circular STEM", several easily accessible communication channels have been created.
The project website has been established as the main source of information. Also, to learn about the latest project activities, you can follow the official accounts of "Circular STEM" on Facebook and LinkedIn. A concise booklet has been developed to provide basic information about the project.
International project “Circular STEM" aims to integrate the circular economy into schools by providing STEM subject teachers with the necessary skills to be able to adapt school curricula to include this topic.
Project “Boosting Circular Economy Competences for STEM Teachers” (Circular STEM) is financed and supported by the European Commission, Erasmus + Programme, KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education (Project grant agreement No. 2022-1-PT01-KA220-SCH-000086954).