EKA support of research and artistic activities
EKA provides funding to support research and artistic activities on the annual basis. The application for the required amount of funding is created by the ViceRector of EKA and submitted to the EKA Board for approval. The amount of funding approved by the Board forms the budget for financing research and artistic activities. The Budget determines the amount of funding for each research field by cost category. The Budget is intended for EKA staff and other researchers involved in the EKA research and artistic activities. The Budget provides financial support for lecturers and researchers in relevant research fields in the following cost categories:
- publication costs of articles indexed in the Web of Science, SCOPUS, ERIH+ or other databases;
- travel expenses and participation costs associated with the delivery of research results at scientific conferences;
- remuneration to the authors of articles indexed in the Web of Science, SCOPUS or ERIH+ databases;
- remuneration to a coordinator of a research field for fulfilling the criteria, set in the Budget;
- remuneration allocated to the research field "Creative Industries and Design" envisages several artistic activities, including organizing exhibitions, developing games, etc.
The Budget provides financial support for students in relevant research fields in the following cost categories:
- costs of publication of scientific articles;
- costs for participation in conferences;
- costs for participation in exhibitions;
- other costs associated with the implementation of research and artistic activities approved by the EKA Vice-Rector for Science.
The costs of publishing scientific articles indexed in the Web of Science or SCOPUS database are covered regardless of a research field on the condition that at least one of the authors of the article is a faculty member of EKA.
In order to apply for funding, it is necessary to submit the documents mentioned in the EKA Regulations of Research and Artistic Activity (paragraph 5).
EKA Regulations of Research and Artistic Activity